Realise I've not put anything on the website for a while. Since the last post I worked hard to get another shawl finished for the exhibition at Nature in Art - then went to Scotland to recharge my batteries for two weeks, followed by going to Cropredy folk festival. It's taken a good week to get myself sorted after the best part of a month away. But I did well at the Nature in Art exhibition - sold my machine embroidery of Loch Scridain, and when I was there for a "meet the artist" on 5 August I sold a sunflower and another large embroidered flower. Now weaving another shawl for the next exhibition - at the Nottingham Society of Artists, 19-24 September. The theme is the same - "A sense of place", and pieces from the Nature in Art exhibition are going on to the NSA, but the gallery is bigger, so we want a few more pieces. Wondering if any of my other art works are suitable. As well as that, I have Open Studios here on 23/24 September and 30 September/1 October - and the garden is producing fruit that I need to deal with, as well as needing pruning and mowing... A busy time, especially in the summer holidays when I want to spend time with grandchildren as well